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There are 20 eight-letter words containing ILB

ASTILBESastilbes n. Plural of astilbe.
ASTILBE n. a plant of the Astilbe genus of perennial plants, with clusters of usually red or white flowers.
BAILBONDbailbond n. Alternative form of bail bond.
bail␣bond n. (US) A surety, used to obtain the release of a criminal defendant who has been required to give bail.
BAILBOND n. a bond given by a prisoner.
BILBERRYbilberry n. Vaccinium myrtillus, the wild European blueberry of the cowberry family.
bilberry n. The shrub of the above-mentioned plant.
BILBERRY n. a whortleberry shrub; its dark-blue edible berry, also BLAEBERRY.
FILBERDSfilberds n. Plural of filberd.
FILBERD n. a hazel nut, also FILBERT.
FILBERTSfilberts n. Plural of filbert.
Filberts prop.n. Plural of Filbert.
FILBERT n. a hazel nut, also FILBERD.
GILBERTSgilberts n. Plural of gilbert.
GILBERT n. an electrical unit of induced magnetic force.
JAILBAITjailbait n. (Slang) A sexually mature person below, or appearing to be below, the legal age of consent, who is regarded…
jail-bait n. Alternative spelling of jailbait.
jail␣bait n. Alternative spelling of jailbait.
JAILBIRDjailbird n. A prisoner or an ex-prisoner.
jail-bird n. Alternative spelling of jailbird.
jail␣bird n. Alternative form of jailbird.
MAILBAGSmailbags n. Plural of mailbag.
mail␣bags n. Plural of mail bag.
MAILBAG n. a bag containing posted articles.
MAILBOATmailboat n. A boat used to transport mail.
MAILBOAT n. a boat that carries mail.
OILBIRDSoilbirds n. Plural of oilbird.
OILBIRD n. a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka guacharo.
RAILBEDSrailbeds n. Plural of railbed.
RAILBED n. the bed of a railway track.
RAILBIRDrailbird n. A rail or similar bird.
railbird n. (US, slang) A gambler; originally specifically a horseracing enthusiast.
RAILBIRD n. a racing enthusiast.
SAILBOATsailboat n. A boat propelled by a sail.
sailboat n. (Slang, card games) A playing card with the rank of four.
SAILBOAT n. a boat with sails.
STILBENEstilbene n. (Organic chemistry) Either of two isomeric hydrocarbons, diphenylethylene, but especially the trans…
STILBENE n. a crystalline hydrocarbon, used in dye manufacture.
STILBITEstilbite n. (Mineralogy) A tectosilicate zeolite mineral consisting of hydrated calcium aluminium silicate, common…
STILBITE n. a common mineral of the zeolite family, a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime.
TAILBACKtailback n. (UK) A line of motor vehicles causing or the result of traffic congestion or a traffic jam.
tailback n. (American football) A running back or halfback who lines up furthest to the rear in an I formation.
TAILBACK n. a member of a football formation.
TAILBONEtailbone n. (Informal) The final fused vertebrae at the base of the spine; the coccyx.
tail␣bone n. Alternative form of tailbone.
TAILBONE n. the coccyx.
TRILBIEDtrilbied adj. Wearing a trilby.
TRILBIED adj. wearing a trilby.
TRILBIEStrilbies n. Plural of trilby.
TRILBY n. a soft felt hat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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