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There are 19 nine-letter words containing IAG

ANTIAGINGantiaging adj. Alternative form of anti-aging.
anti-aging adj. Related to the lessening or halting of the aging process.
ANTIAGING adj. designed to prevent ageing.
BAILLIAGEBAILLIAGE n. (French) the jurisdiction of a bailli.
CARRIAGEScarriages n. Plural of carriage.
carriages n. (Dated) Used to specify the time that an event will end (e.g. when people would leave in their carriages).
CARRIAGE n. a wheeled horse-drawn vehicle.
CHILIAGONchiliagon n. (Geometry, rare) A polygon with a thousand vertices and a thousand edges.
CHILIAGON n. (Greek) a plane figure of a thousand angles and sides.
DIAGLYPHSdiaglyphs n. Plural of diaglyph.
DIAGLYPH n. a figure cut into any substance.
DIAGNOSEDdiagnosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of diagnose.
DIAGNOSE v. to identify a disease by symptoms.
DIAGNOSESdiagnoses n. Plural of diagnosis.
diagnoses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of diagnose.
DIAGNOSE v. to identify a disease by symptoms.
DIAGNOSISdiagnosis n. (Medicine) The identification of the nature and cause of an illness.
diagnosis n. The identification of the nature and cause of something (of any nature).
diagnosis n. (Taxonomy) A written description of a species or other taxon serving to distinguish that species from…
DIAGONALSdiagonals n. Plural of diagonal.
DIAGONAL n. an oblique line.
DIAGRAMEDdiagramed v. Simple past tense and past participle of diagram.
DIAGRAM v. to illustrate by drawing a plan.
DIAGRAPHSdiagraphs n. Plural of diagraph.
DIAGRAPH n. an instrument for copying.
FERRIAGESferriages n. Plural of ferriage.
FERRIAGE n. the fare paid for ferrying.
MARRIAGESmarriages n. Plural of marriage.
Marriages prop.n. Plural of Marriage.
MARRIAGE n. the legal union of a man and woman.
PERIAGUASperiaguas n. Plural of periagua.
PERIAGUA n. (Caribbean) a type of dugout canoe, also PIRAGUA, PIROGUE, PIROQUE.
SKIAGRAMSskiagrams n. Plural of skiagram.
SKIAGRAM n. a shadow picture or photograph.
SKIAGRAPHskiagraph n. (Physics) Alternative form of sciagraph.
skiagraph v. Alternative form of sciagraph.
SKIAGRAPH n. a shadow picture or photograph, e.g. an X-ray photograph.
VERBIAGESverbiages n. Plural of verbiage.
VERBIAGE n. a profusion of words usually of little or obscure content.
VILLIAGOSvilliagos n. Plural of villiago.
VILLIAGO n. (Shakespeare) a coward, also VILIACO, VILIAGO, VILLAGIO, VILLIACO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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