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There are 17 words containing ICOC

ABRICOCKabricock n. (Obsolete) apricot.
ABRICOCK n. (obsolete) an apricot, also APRICOCK.
ABRICOCKSabricocks n. Plural of abricock.
ABRICOCK n. (obsolete) an apricot, also APRICOCK.
APRICOCKapricock n. Archaic form of apricot.
APRICOCK n. (obsolete) an apricot, also ABRICOCK.
APRICOCKSapricocks n. Plural of apricock.
APRICOCK n. (obsolete) an apricot, also ABRICOCK.
PHYSICOCHEMICALphysicochemical adj. Dependent on the joint action of both physical and chemical processes.
physicochemical adj. Of or pertaining to physical chemistry.
PHYSICOCHEMICAL adj. being physical and chemical.
PICOCURIEpicocurie n. The unit of radioactivity equal to 10-12 curies: symbol pCi.
PICOCURIE n. a millionth of a millionth of a curie.
PICOCURIESpicocuries n. Plural of picocurie.
PICOCURIE n. a millionth of a millionth of a curie.
PILLICOCKpillicock n. (Archaic) A penis.
pillicock n. (Obsolete, endearing) A boy or man.
PILLICOCK n. (old slang) the penis.
PILLICOCKSpillicocks n. Plural of pillicock.
PILLICOCK n. (old slang) the penis.
RICOCHETricochet n. (Military) A method of firing a projectile so that it skips along a surface.
ricochet n. An instance of ricocheting; a glancing rebound.
ricochet v. To rebound off something wildly in a seemingly random direction.
RICOCHETEDricocheted v. Simple past tense and past participle of ricochet.
RICOCHET v. (French) to rebound from a surface.
RICOCHETINGricocheting v. Present participle of ricochet.
RICOCHET v. (French) to rebound from a surface.
RICOCHETSricochets n. Plural of ricochet.
ricochets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ricochet.
RICOCHET v. (French) to rebound from a surface.
RICOCHETTEDricochetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of ricochet.
RICOCHET v. (French) to rebound from a surface.
RICOCHETTINGricochetting v. Present participle of ricochet.
RICOCHET v. (French) to rebound from a surface.
VARICOCELEvaricocele n. (Medicine, andrology) Varicose veins in the area of the scrotum.
VARICOCELE n. a varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord; also, a like enlargement of the veins of the scrotum.
VARICOCELESvaricoceles n. Plural of varicocele.
VARICOCELE n. a varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord; also, a like enlargement of the veins of the scrotum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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