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There are 14 words containing IFEB

ANTIFEBRILEantifebrile adj. (Pharmacology) Countering fever.
antifebrile n. (Pharmacology) A medicine or substance that counters fever.
ANTIFEBRILE adj. designed to cure a fever.
ANTIFEBRILESantifebriles n. Plural of antifebrile.
ANTIFEBRILE n. a drug used to cure fever.
LIFEBELTlifebelt n. Alternative spelling of life belt.
life␣belt n. A buoyant ring carried on board ships that can be thrown to someone in the water in an emergency to…
LIFEBELT n. a buoyant belt for use in water.
LIFEBELTSlifebelts n. Plural of lifebelt.
life␣belts n. Plural of life belt.
LIFEBELT n. a buoyant belt for use in water.
LIFEBLOODlifeblood n. Blood that is needed for continued life; blood regarded as the seat of life.
lifeblood n. (Figuratively) That which is required for continued existence or function.
LIFEBLOOD n. the blood necessary to life.
LIFEBLOODSlifebloods n. Plural of lifeblood.
LIFEBLOOD n. the blood necessary to life.
LIFEBOATlifeboat n. (Nautical) A boat especially designed for saving the lives of shipwrecked people or people in distress…
lifeboat n. (Science fiction) An emergency vehicle carried aboard a spaceship.
lifeboat v. To rescue; to carry to safety.
LIFEBOATMANlifeboatman n. A man who crews a lifeboat.
LIFEBOATMAN n. one who forms part of the crew of a lifeboat.
LIFEBOATMENlifeboatmen n. Plural of lifeboatman.
LIFEBOATMAN n. one who forms part of the crew of a lifeboat.
LIFEBOATSlifeboats n. Plural of lifeboat.
life␣boats n. Plural of life boat.
LIFEBOAT n. a small rescue boat.
LIFEBUOYlifebuoy n. Alternative spelling of life buoy.
life-buoy n. Alternative form of life buoy.
life␣buoy n. (Britain) A buoyant object (most commonly torus-shaped) that is used as a life-saving device by keeping…
LIFEBUOYSlifebuoys n. Plural of lifebuoy.
life-buoys n. Plural of life-buoy.
life␣buoys n. Plural of life buoy.
WIFEBEATERwifebeater n. One who (usually as a repeated practice) beats his wife, or a husband prone to violence.
wifebeater n. (US, slang) A kind of sleeveless shirt, often but not exclusively worn as an undershirt.
wifebeater n. (Uncountable, UK, slang) Stella Artois, a brand of lager beer.
WIFEBEATERSwifebeaters n. Plural of wifebeater.
wife-beaters n. Plural of wife-beater.
wife␣beaters n. Plural of wife beater.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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