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There are 14 words containing IKIT

GLAIKITglaikit adj. (Scotland, Northern England) Senseless; silly, foolish.
GLAIKIT adj. (Scots) giddy, foolish, also GLAIKET.
TRAIKITTRAIKIT adj. (Scots) worn out.
KILIKITIkilikiti n. A variant of cricket, originating in Samoa and now played throughout Polynesia, with three-sided wooden…
KILIKITI n. a Polynesian version of cricket played by teams of 15-20 players.
IDENTIKITidentikit n. A picture of a person, reconstructed from strips showing facial features selected to match witnesses’…
identikit adj. (Informal, chiefly derogatory) Indistinguishable from each other; mass-produced or mass-marketed.
IDENTIKIT n. a reconstructed picture of a person (esp. a suspect sought by police) assembled from features described by a witness or witnesses.
KILIKITISKILIKITI n. a Polynesian version of cricket played by teams of 15-20 players.
LARVIKITElarvikite n. A variety of monzonite with small crystals of feldspar.
LARVIKITE n. a mineral, a soda syenite, also LAURVIKITE.
IDENTIKITSidentikits n. Plural of identikit.
IDENTIKIT n. a reconstructed picture of a person (esp. a suspect sought by police) assembled from features described by a witness or witnesses.
LARVIKITESlarvikites n. Plural of larvikite.
LARVIKITE n. a mineral, a soda syenite, also LAURVIKITE.
LAURVIKITELAURVIKITE n. a mineral, a soda syenite, also LARVIKITE.
WIKITORIALwikitorial n. (Internet) An editorial that can be edited by users in the manner of a wiki.
WIKITORIAL n. a traditional editorial that can be edited in the fashion of a wiki.
GLAIKITNESSGLAIKITNESS n. the quality of being glaikit, giddy, foolish, also GLAIKETNESS.
LAURVIKITESLAURVIKITE n. a mineral, a soda syenite, also LARVIKITE.
WIKITORIALSwikitorials n. Plural of wikitorial.
WIKITORIAL n. a traditional editorial that can be edited in the fashion of a wiki.
GLAIKITNESSESGLAIKITNESS n. the quality of being glaikit, giddy, foolish, also GLAIKETNESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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