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There are 12 words containing INIL

BRAINILYbrainily adv. In a brainy way.
BRAINY adv. intelligent.
FEMINILITIESFEMINILITY n. the quality of being female, also FEMININITY.
FEMINILITYfeminility n. (Now rare) femininity.
FEMINILITY n. the quality of being female, also FEMININITY.
ISOAMINILEisoaminile n. A drug, structurally related to methadone, with antitussive and anticholinergic effects.
ISOAMINILE n. an antitussive drug.
ISOAMINILESISOAMINILE n. an antitussive drug.
MINILABminilab n. A small photographic developing and printing system.
MINILAB n. a retail outlet offering rapid on-site film development.
MINILABSminilabs n. Plural of minilab.
MINILAB n. a retail outlet offering rapid on-site film development.
MODAFINILmodafinil n. A stimulant often used in the treatment of various sleep disorders, having the chemical formula C15
MODAFINIL n. a stimulant drug that enhances wakefulness and vigilance, used in the treatment of narcolepsy.
MODAFINILSMODAFINIL n. a stimulant drug that enhances wakefulness and vigilance, used in the treatment of narcolepsy.
RAINILYrainily adv. In a rainy way.
RAINY adv. marked by rain.
SHINILYshinily adv. In a shiny manner.
SHINY adv. filled with light.
TINILYtinily adv. In a tiny way.
TINY adv. very small.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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