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There are 17 words containing IOPL

ANGIOPLASTIESangioplasties n. Plural of angioplasty.
ANGIOPLASTY n. the surgical repair of a damaged blood-vessel.
ANGIOPLASTYangioplasty n. (Surgery) The mechanical widening of a narrowed or totally obstructed blood vessel generally caused by atheroma.
ANGIOPLASTY n. the surgical repair of a damaged blood-vessel.
BIOPLASMbioplasm n. (Biology) Any living matter, but especially germinal or forming matter; matter possessing reproductive…
BIOPLASM n. living matter.
BIOPLASMICbioplasmic adj. Pertaining to, or consisting of, bioplasm.
BIOPLASMIC adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, bioplasm.
BIOPLASMSbioplasms n. Plural of bioplasm.
BIOPLASM n. living matter.
BIOPLASTbioplast n. (Biology) a mass or cell of bioplasm that is a unit of living matter; an independently existing mass of living matter.
BIOPLAST n. a tiny mass of bioplasm, in itself a living unit and having formative power, as a living white blood corpuscle, also BIOBLAST.
BIOPLASTICbioplastic n. Any form of synthetic polymer, similar to normal plastic, made from renewable biomass sources such as…
BIOPLASTIC n. a plastic that is made from organic matter rather than oil.
BIOPLASTICSbioplastics n. Plural of bioplastic.
BIOPLASTIC n. a plastic that is made from organic matter rather than oil.
BIOPLASTSbioplasts n. Plural of bioplast.
BIOPLAST n. a tiny mass of bioplasm, in itself a living unit and having formative power, as a living white blood corpuscle, also BIOBLAST.
BIOPLAYBIOPLAY n. a play based on the life of a famous person, esp. one giving a popular treatment.
BIOPLAYSBIOPLAY n. a play based on the life of a famous person, esp. one giving a popular treatment.
CARDIOPLEGIAcardioplegia n. (Surgery) The deliberate, temporary cessation of cardiac activity before heart surgery.
CARDIOPLEGIA n. deliberate arrest of the action of the heart, as by hypothermia or the injection of chemicals, to enable complex heart surgery to be carried out.
CARDIOPLEGIAScardioplegias n. Plural of cardioplegia.
CARDIOPLEGIA n. deliberate arrest of the action of the heart, as by hypothermia or the injection of chemicals, to enable complex heart surgery to be carried out.
IDIOPLASMidioplasm n. Alternative form of idioplasma.
IDIOPLASM n. the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics.
IDIOPLASMATICIDIOPLASMATIC adj. of or like idioplasm, the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics, also IDIOPLASMIC.
IDIOPLASMICidioplasmic adj. Of or pertaining to idioplasma.
IDIOPLASMIC adj. of or like idioplasm, the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics, also IDIOPLASMATIC.
IDIOPLASMSidioplasms n. Plural of idioplasm.
IDIOPLASM n. the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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