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There are 15 words containing ITOT

AMITOTICamitotic adj. Of or pertaining to amitosis.
AMITOTIC adj. relating to amitosis, direct cell division, without mitosis.
AMITOTICALLYamitotically adv. By means of amitosis.
AMITOTIC adv. relating to amitosis, direct cell division, without mitosis.
ANTIMITOTICantimitotic adj. (Pharmacology, cytology) Preventing or disrupting mitosis.
antimitotic n. (Pharmacology) An agent that prevents or disrupts mitosis.
ANTIMITOTIC n. an agent that inhibits or disrupts mitosis.
ANTIMITOTICSantimitotics n. Plural of antimitotic.
ANTIMITOTIC n. an agent that inhibits or disrupts mitosis.
ENDOMITOTICendomitotic adj. Relating to endomitosis.
ENDOMITOTIC adj. relating to endomitosis.
HALITOTIChalitotic adj. Afflicted with halitosis.
HALITOTIC adj. relating to halitosis, bad breath.
INTERMITOTICintermitotic adj. (Cytology) Between periods of mitosis.
INTERMITOTIC adj. occurring or existing between mitoses; capable of dividing again.
LITOTESlitotes n. (Rhetoric) An ironic figure of speech whereby something is stated by denying its opposite, particularly…
LITOTES n. (Latin) the expression of an affirmative by the negative of the contrary, e.g. not a little angry.
LITOTIClitotic adj. Of or relating to litotes.
LITOTIC adj. of or like litotes, expressing an affirmative by the negative of the contrary.
MITOTICmitotic adj. Of or pertaining to mitosis.
MITOTIC adj. relating to mitosis, cell division.
MITOTICALLYmitotically adv. During, or by means of, mitosis.
MITOTIC adv. relating to mitosis, cell division.
PITOTpitot n. A pitot head/pitot tube.
PITOT n. a tube used to measure the pressure of a fluid stream.
PITOTSpitots n. Plural of pitot.
PITOT n. a tube used to measure the pressure of a fluid stream.
TALLITOTtallitot n. Plural of tallit.
TALLIT n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIS.
TALLITOTHtallitoth n. Plural of tallit.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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