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There are 11 four-letter words containing KH

ANKHankh n. A cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top, the Egyptian hieroglyph representing the Egyptian triliteral…
ankh n. A tau cross.
ANKH n. (Arabic) an Egyptian symbol of life, resembling a looped cross, later adapted by Coptic Christians as their cross.
KHAFkhaf n. The eleventh letter of the Hebrew and Aramaic alphabets, kaph, especially when pronounced as a fricative…
KHAF n. (Hebrew) the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CAPH, KAF, KAPH, KHAPH.
KHANkhan n. (Historical) A ruler over various Turkish, Tatar and Mongol peoples in the Middle Ages.
khan n. An Ottoman sultan.
khan n. A noble or man of rank in various Muslim countries of Central Asia, including Afghanistan.
KHATkhat n. A shrub, Catha edulis, whose leaves are used as a mild stimulant when chewed or brewed as tea; also…
KHAT n. (Arabic) a shrub of East Africa, Arabia, etc., or its leaves, chewed or taken as tea for their stimulant effect, also KAT, QAT.
KHETkhet n. Alternative form of heth (“Semitic letter”).
KHET n. (Hebrew) the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CHETH, HETH, KHETH.
KHISkhis n. Plural of khi.
KHI n. the twenty-second letter of the Greek alphabet, also CHI.
KHORkhor n. A swampy depression in Middle Eastern countries.
KHOR n. (Arabic) a dry watercourse; a ravine.
KHUDkhud n. (India) A steep cleft in a hillside; a ravine.
KHUD n. (Hindi) in India, a pit, hollow, ravine.
LAKHlakh num. (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) One hundred thousand; 100,000; or with Indian digit…
LAKH n. (Hindi) a unit of counting, one hundred thousand.
RUKHrukh n. Alternative form of roc (large bird).
RUKH n. (Persian) an enormous bird of Arabian legend, also ROC, ROK, RUC.
SUKHsukh n. Alternative spelling of souq.
SUKH n. (Arabic) an Arab marketplace, also SUK, SUQ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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