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There are 14 words containing LKW

FOLKWAYfolkway n. Often plural: a belief or custom common to members of a culture or society.
folk-way n. Alternative form of folkway.
folk␣way n. Alternative form of folkway.
WALKWAYwalkway n. A clearly defined path for pedestrians.
WALKWAY n. a pedestrian route.
FOLKWAYSfolkways n. Plural of folkway.
folk-ways n. Plural of folk-way.
folk␣ways n. Plural of folk way.
MILKWEEDmilkweed n. Any of several plants that have a milky sap and have pods that split to release seeds with silky tufts.
milkweed n. A monarch butterfly (Danaus spp).
MILKWEED n. a plant that secretes a milky fluid.
MILKWOODmilkwood n. Any of a number of trees with milky sap…
MILKWOOD n. any of various trees associated with latex.
MILKWORTmilkwort n. Any of more than 500 species of flowering plants of the genus Polygala that are used as a food source…
MILKWORT n. a plant of genus Polygala, supposed by some to promote the production of milk in women.
SILKWEEDsilkweed n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Asclepias whose seed vessels contain a long, silky down; milkweed.
SILKWEED n. another name for the plant milkweed.
SILKWORMsilkworm n. Any of various caterpillars of moths that produce silk cocoons, especially Bombyx mori, the source of…
SILKWORM n. the larva of the Chinese moth Bombyx mori, that feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree, widely cultivated as a source of silk.
WALKWAYSwalkways n. Plural of walkway.
WALKWAY n. a pedestrian route.
MILKWEEDSmilkweeds n. Plural of milkweed.
MILKWEED n. a plant that secretes a milky fluid.
MILKWOODSmilkwoods n. Plural of milkwood.
MILKWOOD n. any of various trees associated with latex.
MILKWORTSmilkworts n. Plural of milkwort.
MILKWORT n. a plant of genus Polygala, supposed by some to promote the production of milk in women.
SILKWEEDSsilkweeds n. Plural of silkweed.
SILKWEED n. another name for the plant milkweed.
SILKWORMSsilkworms n. Plural of silkworm.
SILKWORM n. the larva of the Chinese moth Bombyx mori, that feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree, widely cultivated as a source of silk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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