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There are 12 words containing LAPT

CLAPTclapt v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of clap.
CLAP v. the noise of striking two things together.
CLAPTRAPclaptrap n. Empty verbiage or nonsense.
claptrap n. (Historical) A device for producing a clapping sound in theaters.
claptrap n. A device or trick to gain applause; a humbug.
CLAPTRAPPERYclaptrappery n. Claptrap; nonsense.
CLAPTRAPPERY n. nonsense, claptrap.
CLAPTRAPSclaptraps n. Plural of claptrap.
CLAPTRAP n. flashy, empty words.
DEWLAPTdewlapt adj. Obsolete form of dewlapped.
DEWLAPT adj. having dewlaps, also DEWLAPPED.
FLAPTRACKflaptrack n. (Aviation) The track on which the flaps of an aircraft are mounted.
FLAPTRACK n. a racetrack for flapping i.e. unregistered horse-racing.
FLAPTRACKSflaptracks n. Plural of flaptrack.
FLAPTRACK n. a racetrack for flapping i.e. unregistered horse-racing.
LAPTOPlaptop n. (Computing) A laptop computer.
LAPTOP n. a small computer used in the lap.
LAPTOPSlaptops n. Plural of laptop.
LAPTOP n. a small computer used in the lap.
LAPTRAYLAPTRAY n. a tray with a cushion, made to sit on one's lap and hold a book, meal etc.
LAPTRAYSLAPTRAY n. a tray with a cushion, made to sit on one's lap and hold a book, meal etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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