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There are 18 eight-letter words containing LOGIC

ALOGICALalogical adj. Not based upon logic or reasoned argument.
alogical adj. Opposed to logic.
ALOGICAL adj. outside the domain of logic.
ANALOGICanalogic adj. Of or pertaining to analogy.
ANALOGIC adj. of or belonging to analogy, also ANALOGICAL.
BIOLOGICbiologic adj. Biological; pertaining to biology or to a living organism.
biologic n. An extremely complex drug, vaccine or antitoxin that is made from a living organism, or from products…
BIOLOGIC adj. related to biology.
DIALOGICdialogic adj. Of or relating to dialogue.
dialogic adj. (Of a literary work) written in dialogue.
dialogic adj. Of or relating to dialogism.
ECOLOGICecologic adj. Relating to ecology, the interrelationships of organisms and their environment.
EPILOGICepilogic adj. Of or relating to an epilogue.
EPILOGIC adj. relating to an epilogue.
GEOLOGICgeologic adj. Of, or relating to geology or a geologic time scale.
GEOLOGIC adj. relating to geology, also GEOLOGICAL.
ILLOGICSillogics n. Plural of illogic.
ILLOGIC n. the absence of logic.
LOGICIANlogician n. A person who studies or teaches logic.
LOGICIAN n. one who is skilled in logic.
LOGICISElogicise v. Alternative form of logicize.
LOGICISE v. to reason, also LOGICIZE.
LOGICISMlogicism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that mathematics is a branch of logic in that some or all mathematics is reducible to logic.
LOGICISM n. Frege's theory that underlying mathematics is a purely logical set of axioms.
LOGICISTlogicist n. (Philosophy) An adherent of logicism.
LOGICIST n. a believer in logicism, Frege's theory that underlying mathematics is a purely logical set of axioms.
LOGICIZElogicize v. (Transitive) To make logical; to bring into the domain of logic.
logicize v. (Intransitive) To argue.
LOGICIZE v. to reason, also LOGICISE.
MYOLOGICmyologic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to the study of muscles or muscle tissue.
myologic adj. Of or pertaining to the muscles.
MYOLOGIC adj. relating to myology, the study of muscles.
NEOLOGICneologic adj. Alternative form of neological.
NEOLOGIC adj. of or pertaining to neology; employing new words, also NEOLOGICAL.
OTOLOGICotologic adj. Synonym of otological.
OTOLOGIC adj. relating to otology, the science of the ear, also OTOLOGICAL.
UROLOGICurologic adj. Of or pertaining to urology.
UROLOGIC adj. relating to urology, the study of urine, also UROLOGICAL.
ZOOLOGICzoologic adj. Zoological.
ZOOLOGIC adj. relating to zoology, also ZOOLOGICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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