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There are 18 words containing LATIS

CONTEMPLATISTcontemplatist n. One who contemplates.
CONTEMPLATIST n. one who believes in contemplation.
CONTEMPLATISTScontemplatists n. Plural of contemplatist.
CONTEMPLATIST n. one who believes in contemplation.
GELATISGELATI n. (Italian) an Italian ice cream, also GELATO.
LATISEPTATElatiseptate adj. (Botany) Having broad septa.
LATISEPTATE adj. having a broad partition.
LATISHlatish adj. (Informal) Somewhat late.
latish adv. (Informal) Somewhat late.
LATISH adj. somewhat late.
PAPAPRELATISTPAPAPRELATIST n. (Scott) a supporter of popish prelates.
PAPAPRELATISTSPAPAPRELATIST n. (Scott) a supporter of popish prelates.
PRELATISEprelatise v. Alternative form of prelatize.
PRELATISE v. to bring under the influence of the prelacy, also PRELATIZE.
PRELATISEDprelatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of prelatise.
PRELATISE v. to bring under the influence of the prelacy, also PRELATIZE.
PRELATISESprelatises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prelatise.
PRELATISE v. to bring under the influence of the prelacy, also PRELATIZE.
PRELATISHprelatish adj. (Archaic, derogatory) prelatical.
PRELATISH adj. (Milton) like a prelate.
PRELATISINGprelatising v. Present participle of prelatise.
PRELATISE v. to bring under the influence of the prelacy, also PRELATIZE.
PRELATISMprelatism n. Prelacy; episcopacy.
PRELATISM n. domination by prelates.
PRELATISMSPRELATISM n. domination by prelates.
PRELATISTprelatist n. One who advocates or supports prelacy, or the government of the church by prelates.
PRELATIST n. a supporter or adherent of prelacy or episcopacy.
PRELATISTSprelatists n. Plural of prelatist.
PRELATIST n. a supporter or adherent of prelacy or episcopacy.
SPECULATISTspeculatist n. Someone who makes speculative theories or deals in abstract ideas; a theorist.
SPECULATIST n. a speculative philosopher; a speculator.
SPECULATISTSspeculatists n. Plural of speculatist.
SPECULATIST n. a speculative philosopher; a speculator.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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