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There are 13 words containing MAES

MAESMAEs n. Plural of MAE.
MAE n. (Scots) more.
MAESTOSOmaestoso adv. (Music) majestically.
maestoso n. (Music) A passage to be played majestically.
MAESTOSO n. (Italian) a stately musical passage.
MAESTOSOSmaestosos n. Plural of maestoso.
MAESTOSO n. (Italian) a stately musical passage.
MAESTRImaestri n. Plural of maestro.
Maestri prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
MAESTROmaestro n. (Chiefly music) A master in some art, especially a composer or conductor.
maestro n. (Slang) A gang elder in prison.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
MAESTROSmaestros n. Plural of maestro.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
SOMAESTHESIASOMAESTHESIA n. sensory perception of bodily feelings like touch, pain, position of the limbs, etc., also SOMAESTHESIS, SOMESTHESIA, SOMESTHESIS.
SOMAESTHESIASSOMAESTHESIA n. sensory perception of bodily feelings like touch, pain, position of the limbs, etc., also SOMAESTHESIS, SOMESTHESIA, SOMESTHESIS.
SOMAESTHESISSOMAESTHESIS n. sensory perception of bodily feelings like touch, pain, position of the limbs, etc., also SOMAESTHESIA, SOMESTHESIA, SOMESTHESIS.
SOMAESTHESISESSOMAESTHESIS n. sensory perception of bodily feelings like touch, pain, position of the limbs, etc., also SOMAESTHESIA, SOMESTHESIA, SOMESTHESIS.
SOMAESTHETICsomaesthetic adj. Of or relating to somaesthetics.
SOMAESTHETIC adj. relating to somaesthesia.
THERMAESTHESIAthermaesthesia n. Alternative form of thermesthesia.
THERMAESTHESIA n. sensitivity to various degrees of heat and cold, also THERMESTHESIA.
THERMAESTHESIASTHERMAESTHESIA n. sensitivity to various degrees of heat and cold, also THERMESTHESIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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