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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing OLC

AGRODOLCESAGRODOLCE n. (Italian) an Italian sweet-and-sour sauce.
COLCANNONSCOLCANNON n. (Irish) an Irish country dish of potatoes and cabbage.
COLCHICINEcolchicine n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A highly toxic alkaloid, chemical formula C22H25NO6, originally extracted…
COLCHICINE n. a toxic yellow alkaloid, present esp. in colchicum corms, which is used to treat gout.
COLCHICUMScolchicums n. Plural of colchicum.
COLCHICUM n. a flowering plant.
COLCOTHARScolcothars n. Plural of colcothar.
COLCOTHAR n. (Arabic) a reddish brown oxide of iron, used in polishing glass.
DOLCELATTEdolcelatte n. A mild, slightly sweet form of gorgonzola cheese.
Dolcelatte n. Alternative form of dolcelatte.
DOLCELATTE n. (tradename) a soft blue-veined Italian cheese.
DOLCEMENTEDOLCEMENTE adj. (Italian) softly; sweetly; with soft, smooth, and delicate execution.
TOOLCHESTStoolchests n. Plural of toolchest.
tool␣chests n. Plural of tool chest.
TOOLCHEST n. a chest for holding tools.
VOLCANISEDvolcanised v. Simple past tense and past participle of volcanise.
VOLCANISE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANIZE.
VOLCANISESvolcanises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of volcanise.
VOLCANISE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANIZE.
VOLCANISMSvolcanisms n. Plural of volcanism.
VOLCANISM n. volcanic power or action, also VULCANISM.
VOLCANISTSvolcanists n. Plural of volcanist.
VOLCANIST n. one versed in the history and phenomena of volcanoes, also VULCANIST.
VOLCANIZEDvolcanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of volcanize.
VOLCANIZE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANISE.
VOLCANIZESvolcanizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of volcanize.
VOLCANIZE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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