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There are 19 words containing OITR

GOITREgoitre n. (Pathology, UK) An enlargement of the front and sides of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland.
GOITRE n. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITER.
GOITREDgoitred adj. Having a goitre.
GOITRED adj. afflicted with a goiter, also GOITERED.
GOITRESgoitres n. Plural of goitre.
GOITRE n. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITER.
GOITROGENgoitrogen n. Any agent that causes goiter, such as thiouracil.
GOITROGEN n. a substance (such as thiourea or thiouracil) that induces goiter formation.
GOITROGENICgoitrogenic adj. Of, pertaining to, or being a goitrogen.
GOITROGENIC adj. producing or tending to produce goiter.
GOITROGENICITYgoitrogenicity n. The quality of being goitrogenic.
GOITROGENICITY n. the state of being goitrogenic.
GOITROGENSgoitrogens n. Plural of goitrogen.
GOITROGEN n. a substance (such as thiourea or thiouracil) that induces goiter formation.
GOITROUSgoitrous adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a goitre.
GOITROUS adj. having a goiter.
POITRELpoitrel n. (Historical) A piece of armor for a horse’s chest; the breastplate of a horse’s armour or harness.
POITREL n. a piece of armour for the breast of a horse, also PEYTRAL, PEYTREL.
POITRELSpoitrels n. Plural of poitrel.
POITREL n. a piece of armour for the breast of a horse, also PEYTRAL, PEYTREL.
POITRINEpoitrine n. (Historical) The breastplate of a knight’s armour.
poitrine n. Synonym of poitrel (“chest-armor for a horse”).
poitrine n. Chest, bosom, especially of a woman.
POITRINESpoitrines n. Plural of poitrine.
POITRINE n. (French) a woman's bosom.
RECONNOITREreconnoitre v. (Transitive, intransitive, military) To perform a reconnaissance (of an area; an enemy position); to…
reconnoitre v. (Obsolete) To recognise.
reconnoitre n. An act or instance of reconnoitring.
RECONNOITREDreconnoitred v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconnoitre.
RECONNOITRE v. to make a reconnaissance of, also RECONNOITER.
RECONNOITRERreconnoitrer n. One who reconnoitres.
RECONNOITRER n. one who reconnoiters.
RECONNOITRERSreconnoitrers n. Plural of reconnoitrer.
RECONNOITRER n. one who reconnoiters.
RECONNOITRESreconnoitres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reconnoitre.
RECONNOITRE v. to make a reconnaissance of, also RECONNOITER.
RECONNOITRINGreconnoitring v. Present participle of reconnoitre.
reconnoitring n. An act of reconnaissance.
RECONNOITRING n. the act of conducting a reconnoitre.
RECONNOITRINGSreconnoitrings n. Plural of reconnoitring.
RECONNOITRING n. the act of conducting a reconnoitre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 170 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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