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There are 17 words containing OPTA

ADOPTABILITIESadoptabilities n. Plural of adoptability.
ADOPTABILITY n. the quality of being adoptable.
ADOPTABILITYadoptability n. The property of being adoptable.
ADOPTABILITY n. the quality of being adoptable.
ADOPTABLEadoptable adj. Able to be adopted.
adoptable adj. Desirable to adopt.
adoptable n. A person or animal that is eligible to be adopted.
COOPTATIONcooptation n. A co-opting: a commandeering, appropriation, or taking over.
cooptation n. A co-opting: an absorption or assimilation.
coöptation n. Alternative form of cooptation.
COOPTATIONScooptations n. Plural of cooptation.
co-optations n. Plural of co-optation.
COOPTATION n. the act of coopting, also COOPTION.
COOPTATIVEcooptative adj. Relating to the process of co-opting, or electing as a fellow member of a group.
co-optative adj. Alternative form of cooptative.
COOPTATIVE adj. relating to cooptation.
DIOPTASEdioptase n. An intense emerald-green to bluish-green copper cyclosilicate mineral.
DIOPTASE n. a mineral, a hydrous silicate of copper, occurring in emerald-green crystals.
DIOPTASESdioptases n. Plural of dioptase.
DIOPTASE n. a mineral, a hydrous silicate of copper, occurring in emerald-green crystals.
OPTANToptant n. A person who lives in a region undergoing a change of sovereignty and thus may choose between retaining…
optant n. A person who opts into, out of, or for something.
OPTANT n. a person who opts, esp. one who chooses a nationality.
OPTANTSoptants n. Plural of optant.
OPTANT n. a person who opts, esp. one who chooses a nationality.
OPTATIVEoptative adj. Expressing a wish or a choice.
optative adj. (Grammar) Related or pertaining to the optative mood.
optative n. (Grammar) A mood of verbs found in some languages (e.g. Sanskrit, Old Prussian, and Ancient Greek, but…
OPTATIVELYoptatively adv. In an optative way.
OPTATIVE adv. expressing a wish.
OPTATIVESoptatives n. Plural of optative.
OPTATIVE n. a grammatical mood expressing a desire or wish.
POPTASTICpoptastic adj. (Informal) Excellent; very good; especially of pop music.
POPTASTIC adj. denoting or relating to a very good piece of pop music.
SHOPTALKshoptalk n. Discussion of business in a social setting, especially using jargon.
shop␣talk n. (Uncountable) discussion about one’s trade, business, or employment that only others in the same field…
shop␣talk n. (Uncountable) language considered acceptable in a single-sex workplace (typically a workshop), but not…
SHOPTALKSshoptalks n. Plural of shoptalk.
SHOPTALK n. conversation concerning one's occupation.
UNADOPTABLEunadoptable adj. That cannot be adopted; unsuitable for adoption.
UNADOPTABLE adj. not adoptable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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