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There are 8 words containing OTEX

CELOTEXCelotex n. A rough-textured fiberboard used on ceilings as acoustic paneling.
CELOTEX n. a building board that is employed as insulation or paneling.
CELOTEXESCELOTEX n. a building board that is employed as insulation or paneling.
GEOTEXTILEgeotextile n. Any strong, permeable fabric used in earthworks for any of a number of purposes, including separation…
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
GEOTEXTILESgeotextiles n. Plural of geotextile.
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
VIDEOTEXvideotex n. Any of various early information retrieval services, such as viewdata and Teletext systems, that delivered…
VIDEOTEX n. an electronic system for transmitting data.
VIDEOTEXESvideotexes n. Plural of videotex.
VIDEOTEX n. an electronic system for transmitting data.
VIDEOTEXTvideotext n. Alternative form of videotex.
VIDEOTEXT n. a system used to display information on a television screen, also VIDEOTEX.
VIDEOTEXTSVIDEOTEXT n. a system used to display information on a television screen, also VIDEOTEX.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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