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There are 12 words containing PEWO

CAPEWORKcapework n. The use of a cape, in bullfighting, to distract the bull.
CAPEWORK n. a matador's performance with his cape.
CAPEWORKSCAPEWORK n. a matador's performance with his cape.
GAPEWORMgapeworm n. A parasitic nematode worm, Syngamus trachea, that infects the tracheas of some birds and causes the disease gapes.
GAPEWORM n. a worm that causes a disease of young birds.
GAPEWORMSgapeworms n. Plural of gapeworm.
GAPEWORM n. a worm that causes a disease of young birds.
PIPEWORKpipework n. Any system of pipes or tubes; piping.
pipework n. (Music) The pipes and stops of an organ.
PIPEWORK n. piping or pipes collectively; a vein of ore in the form of a pipe.
PIPEWORKSpipeworks n. Plural of pipework.
PIPEWORK n. piping or pipes collectively; a vein of ore in the form of a pipe.
PIPEWORTpipewort n. Any of several aquatic plants of the genus Eriocaulon.
PIPEWORT n. an aquatic or marsh herb with soft grasslike leaves.
PIPEWORTSpipeworts n. Plural of pipewort.
PIPEWORT n. an aquatic or marsh herb with soft grasslike leaves.
ROPEWORKropework n. (Nautical) The making, repairing, knotting, splicing and storing of rope, and the manufacture of devices…
ropework n. A form of raised convex or painted decoration in the form of twisted rope applied to architecture, ceramics…
ROPEWORK n. a place where ropes are made.
ROPEWORKSropeworks n. Plural of ropework.
ROPEWORK n. a place where ropes are made.
TAPEWORMtapeworm n. (Countable) Any parasitical worm of the class or infraclass Cestoda, which infest the intestines of…
tapeworm n. (Uncountable) Infection by tapeworms.
tape-worm n. Alternative spelling of tapeworm.
TAPEWORMStapeworms n. Plural of tapeworm.
tape-worms n. Plural of tape-worm.
TAPEWORM n. a parasitic worm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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