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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing RCA

ARCADEarcade n. (Architecture) A row of arches.
arcade n. (Architecture) A covered passage, usually with shops on both sides.
arcade n. An establishment that runs coin-operated games.
ARCANAarcana n. Specialized knowledge that is mysterious to the uninitiated.
arcana n. Plural of arcanum.
ARCANA n. either of the two divisions of a pack of tarot cards.
ARCANEarcane adj. Understood by only a few.
arcane adj. (By extension) Obscure, mysterious.
arcane adj. Requiring secret or mysterious knowledge to understand.
BARCASBARCA n. (Italian) a boat, a barge.
CERCALcercal adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the tail.
CERCAL adj. pertaining to a tail.
CIRCARcircar n. Alternative form of sircar.
CIRCAR n. (Urdu) the state or government; the authorities, also SIRCAR, SIRKAR.
FORCATFORCAT n. (French) a convict condemned to hard labour.
FURCAEFURCA n. any forklike structure esp. in insects.
FURCALfurcal adj. Forked.
FURCAL adj. forked.
MERCATmercat n. (Obsolete) Market; trade.
mercat n. A mermaid cat.
MERCAT n. (Scots) market; trade.
SIRCARsircar n. (India) A Hindu clerk or accountant.
sircar n. (India) A district or province; a circar.
sircar n. (India) The government; the supreme authority of the state.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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