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There are 20 words containing RFUN

DUNDERFUNKdunderfunk n. (Obsolete, nautical) ship’s biscuit broken up, mixed with molasses etc. and baked.
DUNDERFUNK n. ship's biscuit soaked in water and mixed with fat and molasses, also DANDYFUNK.
DUNDERFUNKSDUNDERFUNK n. ship's biscuit soaked in water and mixed with fat and molasses, also DANDYFUNK.
HYPERFUNCTIONhyperfunction n. (Mathematics) A generalization of a function.
hyperfunction n. (Medicine) Abnormally elevated function.
HYPERFUNCTION n. the overactivity of a gland or other bodily organ.
HYPERFUNCTIONALhyperfunctional adj. Having, or characterised by, increased function.
HYPERFUNCTIONAL adj. relating to hyperfunction, the overactivity of a gland or other bodily organ.
HYPERFUNCTIONShyperfunctions n. Plural of hyperfunction.
HYPERFUNCTION n. the overactivity of a gland or other bodily organ.
OVERFUNDoverfund v. To supply with more funds than necessary or appropriate.
OVERFUND v. to fund more than required.
OVERFUNDEDoverfunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfund.
OVERFUND v. to fund more than required.
OVERFUNDINGoverfunding n. Excess funding.
overfunding v. Present participle of overfund.
OVERFUNDING n. the act of funding to excess.
OVERFUNDINGSoverfundings n. Plural of overfunding.
OVERFUNDING n. the act of funding to excess.
OVERFUNDSoverfunds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfund.
OVERFUND v. to fund more than required.
PERFUNCTORILYperfunctorily adv. In a perfunctory manner, without interest or concern for quality.
PERFUNCTORY adv. characterized by routine or superficiality, mechanical.
PERFUNCTORINESSperfunctoriness n. The characteristic or state of being perfunctory.
PERFUNCTORINESS n. the state of being perfunctory.
PERFUNCTORYperfunctory adj. Done only or merely to conform to a minimal standard or to fulfill a protocol or presumptive duty.
perfunctory adj. Performed in a careless or indifferent manner as a thing of rote.
PERFUNCTORY adj. characterized by routine or superficiality, mechanical.
SUPERFUNDsuperfund n. (Britain, Australia, finance) A investment vehicle for superannuation assets.
superfund n. (Finance) An investment fund that invests in other investment funds; a fund of funds.
superfund v. (US, transitive) To fund (a college payment plan) with a large payment, more than the usual annual payment.
SUPERFUNDSsuperfunds n. Plural of superfund.
superfunds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of superfund.
Superfunds n. Plural of Superfund.
UNDERFUNDunderfund v. To provide insufficient funds (for).
UNDERFUND v. to fund inadequately.
UNDERFUNDEDunderfunded adj. Insufficiently funded.
underfunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of underfund.
UNDERFUND v. to fund inadequately.
UNDERFUNDINGunderfunding v. Present participle of underfund.
underfunding n. The condition of being underfunded.
UNDERFUNDING n. a deficiency in funding.
UNDERFUNDINGSunderfundings n. Plural of underfunding.
UNDERFUNDING n. a deficiency in funding.
UNDERFUNDSunderfunds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underfund.
UNDERFUND v. to fund inadequately.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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