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There are 16 words containing RMIG

ARMIGERarmiger n. An esquire, originally carrying the armour of a knight; (hence, later) a man of the gentry ranking below a knight.
armiger n. (Loosely, heraldry) Any person entitled to bear a coat of arms.
ARMIGER n. an armour-bearer; a person entitled to bear heraldic arms, also ARMIGERO.
ARMIGERALarmigeral adj. Synonym of armigerous.
ARMIGERAL adj. relating to an armiger, a person bearing heraldic arms.
ARMIGEROARMIGERO n. (Shakespeare) a person entitled to bear arms, also ARMIGER.
ARMIGEROSARMIGERO n. (Shakespeare) a person entitled to bear arms, also ARMIGER.
ARMIGEROUSarmigerous adj. Entitled to bear a coat of arms.
ARMIGEROUS adj. entitled to bear heraldic arms.
ARMIGERSarmigers n. Plural of armiger.
ARMIGER n. an armour-bearer; a person entitled to bear heraldic arms, also ARMIGERO.
INTERMIGRATIONintermigration n. Reciprocal migration; interchange of dwelling place by migration.
INTERMIGRATION n. two-way migration between two countries.
INTERMIGRATIONSintermigrations n. Plural of intermigration.
INTERMIGRATION n. two-way migration between two countries.
OVERMIGHTYovermighty adj. Excessively mighty.
OVERMIGHTY adj. too powerful.
PARMIGIANAparmigiana adj. (Cooking) Cooked or served with Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce.
parmigiana n. (In combination) Any dish in which a main ingredient is combined with cheese and coated with tomato…
PARMIGIANA adj. (Italian) made or covered with Parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANO.
PARMIGIANOParmigiano n. Synonym of Parmigiano-Reggiano (“parmesan cheese”).
PARMIGIANO n. (Italian) parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANA.
PARMIGIANOSPARMIGIANO n. (Italian) parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANA.
PTARMIGANptarmigan n. Any of three species of small grouse in the genus Lagopus found in subarctic tundra areas of North America…
PTARMIGAN n. (Gaelic) a game-bird of the grouse family.
PTARMIGANSptarmigans n. Plural of ptarmigan.
PTARMIGAN n. (Gaelic) a game-bird of the grouse family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 117 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 233 words
  • Scrabble in German: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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