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There are 14 words containing ROSY

ANTILEPROSYantileprosy adj. (Medicine) Countering leprosy.
ANTILEPROSY adj. designed to prevent leprosy.
BROSYbrosy adj. (Scotland) In rural and farming circles, stout and strong; well-built; well fed with brose.
brosy adj. Semiliquid.
brosy adj. Containing brose.
CENTROSYMMETRICcentrosymmetric adj. (Mathematics) Having a centre of symmetry.
CENTROSYMMETRIC adj. symmetric with respect to a central point.
LEPROSYleprosy n. (Medicine) An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, gradually producing nerve…
leprosy n. (Medicine, now usually proscribed) Similar contagious skin diseases causing light patches of scaly skin…
leprosy n. (Figurative) Anything considered similarly permanent, harmful, and communicable, particularly when such…
NEUROSYPHILISneurosyphilis n. (Pathology) A syphilis infection affecting the nervous system.
NEUROSYPHILIS n. a syphilitic infection affecting the central nervous system.
NEUROSYPHILISESNEUROSYPHILIS n. a syphilitic infection affecting the central nervous system.
NITROSYLnitrosyl n. (Inorganic chemistry) The univalent radical -NO.
NITROSYL n. the radical NO, called also the nitroso group.
NITROSYLSnitrosyls n. Plural of nitrosyl.
NITROSYL n. the radical NO, called also the nitroso group.
PRIMROSYprimrosy adj. Having primroses growing.
PRIMROSY adj. full of primroses.
PROSYprosy adj. (Of speech or writing) Unpoetic; dull and unimaginative.
prosy adj. (Of a person) Behaving in a dull way; boring, tedious.
PROSY adj. prosaic, tedious.
PROSYLLOGISMprosyllogism n. (Logic) A syllogism that is preliminary or logically essential to another syllogism.
prosyllogism n. (Logic) The conclusion of such a syllogism, which becomes a premise of the following syllogism.
pro-syllogism n. Alternative form of prosyllogism.
PROSYLLOGISMSprosyllogisms n. Plural of prosyllogism.
pro-syllogisms n. Plural of pro-syllogism.
PROSYLLOGISM n. a syllogism whose conclusion forms the premise of another.
ROSYrosy adj. Rose-coloured.
rosy adj. Resembling rose, as in scent of perfume.
rosy adj. (Figuratively) Optimistic.
ROSYINGrosying v. Present participle of rosy.
ROSY v. to redden.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 188 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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