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There are 18 words containing RSUI

BOILERSUITboilersuit n. Alternative spelling of boiler suit.
boiler␣suit n. A one-piece suit combining trousers and jacket, worn for heavy or hot manual labour.
BOILERSUIT n. a coverall.
BOILERSUITSboilersuits n. Plural of boilersuit.
boiler␣suits n. Plural of boiler suit.
BOILERSUIT n. a coverall.
COUNTERSUINGcountersuing v. Present participle of countersue.
COUNTERSUE v. to sue someone who is suing one.
COUNTERSUITcountersuit n. (Law) A lawsuit filed against a party that has filed a suit against one.
COUNTERSUIT n. a suit in retaliation.
COUNTERSUITScountersuits n. Plural of countersuit.
COUNTERSUIT n. a suit in retaliation.
OUTPURSUINGOUTPURSUE v. to pursue further than.
PERSUINGpersuing v. Present participle of persue.
PERSUE v. (Spenser) to follow, in order to overtake or capture, also POURSEW, POURSUE, PURSEW.
POURSUINGpoursuing v. Present participle of poursue.
POURSUE v. (Spenser) to pursue, also PERSUE, POURSEW, PURSEW.
POURSUITpoursuit n. Obsolete form of pursuit.
POURSUIT n. (Spenser) pursuit.
POURSUITSpoursuits n. Plural of poursuit.
POURSUIT n. (Spenser) pursuit.
PURSUINGpursuing v. Present participle of pursue.
pursuing n. Pursuit.
PURSUING adj. following.
PURSUINGLYpursuingly adv. With pursuit; so as to pursue or chase.
PURSUING adv. following.
PURSUINGSpursuings n. Plural of pursuing.
PURSUING n. the act of pursuing.
PURSUITpursuit n. The act of pursuing.
pursuit n. A hobby or recreational activity, done regularly.
pursuit n. (Cycle racing) A discipline in track cycling where two opposing teams start on opposite sides of the…
PURSUITSpursuits n. Plural of pursuit.
PURSUIT n. the act of pursuing, also POURSUIT.
PURSUIVANTpursuivant n. (Archaic) A follower.
pursuivant n. (Heraldry) A functionary of lower rank than a herald, but discharging similar duties; called also pursuivant…
pursuivant n. (Freemasonry) A Grand Lodge Officer who guards the inner door during a meeting of the Grand Lodge.
PURSUIVANTSpursuivants n. Plural of pursuivant.
PURSUIVANT n. an officer ranking below a herald.
REPURSUINGrepursuing v. Present participle of repursue.
REPURSUE v. to pursue again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 88 words
  • Scrabble in French: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 167 words

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