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There are 18 words containing RUCE

BRUCELLAbrucella n. Any of a group of pathogenic bacteria of the genus Brucella.
Brucella prop.n. Several gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic to humans and animals…
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
BRUCELLAEbrucellae n. Plural of brucella.
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
BRUCELLASbrucellas n. Plural of brucella.
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
BRUCELLOSESbrucelloses n. Plural of brucellosis.
BRUCELLOSIS n. an undulant fever of cattle.
BRUCELLOSISbrucellosis n. (Pathology) Infection by a bacterium of the genus Brucella, which is carried by ruminants and other…
BRUCELLOSIS n. an undulant fever of cattle.
CRUCEScruces n. Plural of crux.
Cruces prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
Cruces prop.n. Plural of Cruce.
SPRUCEspruce n. Any of various large coniferous evergreen trees or shrubs from the genus Picea, found in northern temperate…
spruce n. (Uncountable) The wood of a spruce.
spruce n. (Used attributively) Made of the wood of the spruce.
SPRUCEDspruced v. Simple past tense and past participle of spruce.
SPRUCE v. to make smart.
SPRUCELYsprucely adv. In a spruce manner; neatly and elegantly.
SPRUCE adv. smart, dapper.
SPRUCENESSspruceness n. The property of being spruce, of being neat and elegant.
SPRUCENESS n. the state of being spruce.
SPRUCENESSESSPRUCENESS n. the state of being spruce.
SPRUCERsprucer adj. Comparative form of spruce: more spruce.
SPRUCE adj. smart, dapper.
SPRUCESspruces n. Plural of spruce.
spruces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spruce.
SPRUCE v. to make smart.
SPRUCESTsprucest adj. Superlative form of spruce: most spruce.
SPRUCE adj. smart, dapper.
TRUCEtruce n. A period of time in which no fighting takes place due to an agreement between the opposed parties.
truce n. An agreement between opposed parties in which they pledge to cease fighting for a limited time.
TRUCE v. to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement.
TRUCEDTRUCE v. to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement.
TRUCELESStruceless adj. Without a truce.
TRUCELESS adj. without a truce; not forbearing.
TRUCEStruces n. Plural of truce.
TRUCE v. to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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