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There are 10 seven-letter words containing TEW

GATEWAYgateway n. An entrance capable of being blocked by use of a gate.
gateway n. A place regarded as giving access to somewhere.
gateway n. Any point that represents the beginning of a transition from one place or phase to another.
STEWARDsteward n. A person who manages the property or affairs for another entity.
steward n. (Nautical) A ship’s officer who is in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions.
steward n. A flight attendant, especially male.
STEWBUMstewbum n. (US, slang) A homeless alcoholic.
STEWBUM n. a drunken bum.
STEWERSstewers n. Plural of stewer.
STEWER n. one who stews.
STEWIERSTEWY adj. like a stew.
STEWINGstewing v. Present participle of stew.
stewing n. The act by which something is stewed.
STEWING n. the act of stewing.
STEWPANstewpan n. (Archaic, cooking) A saucepan used for stewing.
STEWPAN n. a pan used for stewing.
STEWPOTstewpot n. A pot used for making stew, usually large and heavy.
stewpot n. (Art, literature) A jumble, especially one that lacks intellectual coherence.
Stewpot prop.n. (Slang) English disc jockey Ed Stewart.
TEWARTStewarts n. Plural of tewart.
TEWART n. (Native Australian) a strong-timbered eucalyptus, also TOOART, TUART.
TEWHITStewhits n. Plural of tewhit.
TEWHIT n. (Scots) the lapwing, also TEUCHAT, TEWIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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