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There are 9 words containing TAPR

METAPROTEINmetaprotein n. (Biochemistry) Any protein derived from another by the use of acids or bases.
METAPROTEIN n. a protein denatured by acid or alkaline hydrolysis that is soluble in acids or alkalis but insoluble in water.
METAPROTEINSmetaproteins n. Plural of metaprotein.
METAPROTEIN n. a protein denatured by acid or alkaline hydrolysis that is soluble in acids or alkalis but insoluble in water.
PENTAPRISMpentaprism n. (Photography) A five-sided prism used in the viewfinder of most single-lens reflex cameras.
PENTAPRISM n. a five-sided prism used in photography.
PENTAPRISMSpentaprisms n. Plural of pentaprism.
PENTAPRISM n. a five-sided prism used in photography.
TAPROOMtaproom n. A bar or barroom; a room where alcoholic beverages are served on tap.
TAPROOM n. a room where liquors are kept on tap; a barroom.
TAPROOMStaprooms n. Plural of taproom.
TAPROOM n. a room where liquors are kept on tap; a barroom.
TAPROOTtaproot n. (Botany) A long, tapering root possessed by many plants (such as carrots and dandelions).
TAPROOT n. the main root of a plant.
TAPROOTEDtaprooted adj. Having taproots.
TAPROOTED adj. having a taproot.
TAPROOTStaproots n. Plural of taproot.
TAPROOT n. the main root of a plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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