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There are 13 words containing TORL

ACTORLIERACTORLY adj. in the manner of an actor.
ACTORLIESTACTORLY adj. in the manner of an actor.
ACTORLYactorly adj. Pertaining or proper to an actor.
ACTORLY adj. in the manner of an actor.
DOCTORLESSdoctorless adj. Without a doctor or doctors.
DOCTORLESS adj. without a doctor.
DOCTORLYdoctorly adv. In the manner of a doctor.
DOCTORLY adj. pertaining to a doctor.
HECTORLYhectorly adj. Resembling a hector; blustering; insolent; taunting.
HECTORLY adj. blustering, insolent.
MOTORLESSmotorless adj. Without a motor (machine or device).
MOTORLESS adj. without a motor.
OPERATORLESSoperatorless adj. Without an operator (person who operates); fully automatic.
OPERATORLESS adj. without an operator.
PASTORLIERPASTORLY adj. appropriate to a pastor.
PASTORLIESTPASTORLY adj. appropriate to a pastor.
PASTORLYpastorly adj. Befitting a pastor.
PASTORLY adj. appropriate to a pastor.
PROTECTORLESSprotectorless adj. Having no protector; unprotected.
PROTECTORLESS adj. without a protector.
TRAITORLYtraitorly adj. Like a traitor; traitorous.
traitorly adv. (Obsolete) Traitorously.
TRAITORLY adj. (Shakespeare) traitorous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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