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There are 19 words containing VANA

DEVANAGARIDevanagari adj. Of the Devanagari script or of a Devanagari alphabet.
Devanagari prop.n. An abugida script used to write many languages originating in India and Nepal, including Sanskrit, Hindi…
DEVANAGARI n. (Sanskrit) the character in which Sanskrit is usually printed, also NAGARI.
DEVANAGARISDEVANAGARI n. (Sanskrit) the character in which Sanskrit is usually printed, also NAGARI.
METAVANADICMETAVANADIC adj. as in metavanadic acid, an acid of vanadium.
NIRVANAnirvana n. (Buddhism) Complete cessation of suffering; a blissful state attained through realization of sunyata;…
nirvana n. (Non-Buddhist, colloquial) State of paradise; heightened or great pleasure.
NIRVANA n. (Sanskrit) freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death and related suffering, in Hindu and Buddhist religions.
NIRVANASnirvanas n. Plural of nirvana.
NIRVANA n. (Sanskrit) freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death and related suffering, in Hindu and Buddhist religions.
ORTHOVANADICORTHOVANADIC adj. as in orthovanadic acid.
PYROVANADICpyrovanadic adj. Of, or relating to pyrovanadic acid or its derivatives.
PYROVANADIC adj. pertaining to, or designating, an acid of vanadium.
VANADATEvanadate n. (Chemistry) any salt of vanadic acid.
vanadate n. (Chemistry) any of the corresponding anions, VO3, VO4, or V2O7.
VANADATE n. a salt of vanadic acid, also VANADIATE.
VANADATESvanadates n. Plural of vanadate.
VANADATE n. a salt of vanadic acid, also VANADIATE.
VANADIATEvanadiate n. (Obsolete) vanadate.
VANADIATE n. a salt of vanadic acid, also VANADATE.
VANADIATESvanadiates n. Plural of vanadiate.
VANADIATE n. a salt of vanadic acid, also VANADATE.
VANADICvanadic adj. Of or pertaining to vanadium, especially to vanadium with an oxidation number of 5.
VANADIC adj. pertaining to vanadium, also VANADOUS.
VANADINITEvanadinite n. (Mineralogy) A reddish mineral, a mixed chloride and vanadate of lead with the chemical formula Pb5
VANADINITE n. a mineral consisting of lead vanadate with a small proportion of lead chloride.
VANADINITESvanadinites n. Plural of vanadinite.
VANADINITE n. a mineral consisting of lead vanadate with a small proportion of lead chloride.
VANADIUMvanadium n. A chemical element (symbol V) with atomic number 23; it is a transition metal, used in the production…
vanadium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
VANADIUM n. a silvery metallic element.
VANADIUMSvanadiums n. Plural of vanadium.
VANADIUM n. a silvery metallic element.
VANADOUSvanadous adj. Of, pertaining to or containing vanadium, especially in an oxidation number of 4.
VANADOUS adj. pertaining to vanadium, also VANADIC.
VANASPATIvanaspati n. (Botany) Any plant that bears fruits but no evident flowers.
Vanaspati prop.n. (Music) Name of a rāgam in Carnatic music. It is the fourth melakarta rāgam of the 72 melakarta rāgams…
VANASPATI n. (Sanskrit) a hydrogenated vegetable fat used as a butter substitute.
VANASPATISvanaspatis n. Plural of vanaspati.
VANASPATI n. (Sanskrit) a hydrogenated vegetable fat used as a butter substitute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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