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There are 17 words containing VETER

COVETERcoveter n. One who covets.
COVETER n. one who covets.
COVETERScoveters n. Plural of coveter.
COVETER n. one who covets.
INVETERACIESinveteracies n. Plural of inveteracy.
INVETERACY n. the quality of being inveterate.
INVETERACYinveteracy n. The state of being inveterate; long continuance; firmness or deep-rooted persistence.
INVETERACY n. the quality of being inveterate.
INVETERATEinveterate adj. Firmly established from having been around for a long time; of long standing.
inveterate adj. (Of a person) Having had a habit for a long time.
inveterate adj. Malignant; virulent; spiteful.
INVETERATELYinveterately adv. For a long time.
INVETERATE adv. firmly established by long persistence.
INVETERATENESSinveterateness n. Inveteracy.
INVETERATENESS n. the state of being inveterate.
NONVETERANnonveteran n. One who is not a veteran.
NONVETERAN adj. not veteran.
NONVETERAN n. one who is not a veteran.
NONVETERANSnonveterans n. Plural of nonveteran.
NONVETERAN n. one who is not a veteran.
RIVETERriveter n. A person whose job is to rivet.
riveter n. A machine or tool used to apply rivets.
RIVETER n. one who rivets.
RIVETERSriveters n. Plural of riveter.
RIVETER n. one who rivets.
VETERANveteran n. A person with long experience of a particular activity.
veteran n. (Figurative) A group, animal, etc. with long experience of a particular activity.
veteran n. A person who has served in the armed forces, especially an old soldier who has seen long service; also…
VETERANSveterans n. Plural of veteran.
VETERAN n. a former member of the armed forces.
VETERINARIANveterinarian n. (Now US) A medical doctor who treats animals.
veterinarian adj. Veterinary.
VETERINARIAN n. a person qualified and authorized to practice veterinary medicine.
VETERINARIANSveterinarians n. Plural of veterinarian.
VETERINARIAN n. a person qualified and authorized to practice veterinary medicine.
VETERINARIESveterinaries n. Plural of veterinary.
VETERINARY n. a person trained in the treatment of diseases of domestic animals.
VETERINARYveterinary adj. Of or relating to the medical or surgical treatment of animals, especially domestic and farm animals.
veterinary n. A veterinary surgeon; a veterinarian.
VETERINARY n. a person trained in the treatment of diseases of domestic animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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