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There are 17 words containing YRET

ANTIPYRETICantipyretic adj. (Pharmacology) That reduces fever.
antipyretic n. (Pharmacology) A medicine that reduces fever; a febrifuge.
ANTIPYRETIC n. an agent which prevents or reduces fever.
ANTIPYRETICSantipyretics n. Plural of antipyretic.
ANTIPYRETIC n. an agent which prevents or reduces fever.
APYRETICapyretic adj. (Medicine) Without fever, free from fever.
APYRETIC adj. without fever.
HYPERPYRETIChyperpyretic adj. Relating to hyperpyresis.
HYPERPYRETIC adj. suffering from hyperpyrexia, an extremely high fever.
PYRETHRINpyrethrin n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a number of naturally occurring insecticides extracted from the pyrethrum…
PYRETHRIN n. either of two insecticidal oily esters prepared from pyrethrum flowers.
PYRETHRINSpyrethrins n. Plural of pyrethrin.
PYRETHRIN n. either of two insecticidal oily esters prepared from pyrethrum flowers.
PYRETHROIDpyrethroid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several synthetic insecticides having a structure based on pyrethrin.
PYRETHROID n. any of various synthetic compounds related to the pyrethrins, and sharing their insecticidal properties.
PYRETHROIDSpyrethroids n. Plural of pyrethroid.
PYRETHROID n. any of various synthetic compounds related to the pyrethrins, and sharing their insecticidal properties.
PYRETHRUMpyrethrum n. Any of several daisy-like perennial African plants of the genus Tanacetum, especially Tanacetum cinerariifolium.
pyrethrum n. Anacyclus pyrethrum (pellitory of Spain).
pyrethrum n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several insecticides obtained from these plants; pyrethrin.
PYRETHRUMSpyrethrums n. Plural of pyrethrum.
PYRETHRUM n. a name still applied to various garden flowers, esp. varieties of Chrysanthemum.
PYRETICpyretic adj. Caused by, pertaining to or resulting in fever.
pyretic n. A remedy for fever.
PYRETIC adj. pertaining to fever.
PYRETOLOGIESPYRETOLOGY n. medical study of fevers.
PYRETOLOGYpyretology n. A discourse or treatise on fevers; the doctrine of fevers.
PYRETOLOGY n. medical study of fevers.
PYRETOTHERAPIESPYRETOTHERAPY n. medical treatment by causing fever.
PYRETOTHERAPYpyretotherapy n. (Obsolete, medicine) pyrotherapy.
PYRETOTHERAPY n. medical treatment by causing fever.
SYRETTEsyrette n. Alternative letter-case form of Syrette.
Syrette prop.n. A collapsible tube with a hypodermic needle containing a single dose of a medicine.
SYRETTE n. a small tube fitted with a hypodermic needle containing a single dose of medication.
SYRETTESsyrettes n. Plural of syrette.
SYRETTE n. a small tube fitted with a hypodermic needle containing a single dose of medication.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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