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All 11-letter words with as eleventh letter

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There are 17 eleven-letter words with W as eleventh letter

CLAPPERCLAWclapperclaw v. (Obsolete) To fight and scratch.
clapperclaw v. (Obsolete) To abuse with words; to revile; to scold.
CLAPPERCLAW v. (archaic) to claw or scratch.
COUNTERBLOWcounterblow n. A blow delivered in reply to a previous blow by somebody else, such as an opponent in a boxing match.
COUNTERBLOW n. a blow in return.
COUNTERDRAWcounterdraw v. (Archaic) To trace (draw by copying).
COUNTERDRAW v. to trace on oiled paper or other transparent material.
COUNTERDREWcounterdrew v. Simple past tense of counterdraw.
COUNTERDRAW v. to trace on oiled paper or other transparent material.
COUNTERFLOWcounterflow n. A flow in the opposite direction; or the flow of two fluids in opposite directions.
counterflow v. To flow in the opposite direction.
COUNTERFLOW n. the flow of a fluid in opposite directions, as in an apparatus.
COUNTERGLOWcounterglow n. The gegenschein.
COUNTERGLOW n. another name for gegenschein.
COUNTERVIEWcounterview n. (Countable) An opposing viewpoint.
counterview n. A posture in which two persons face each other.
counterview n. A position in which two dissimilar things illustrate each other by opposition; contrast.
GRANDNEPHEWgrandnephew n. A grandson of one’s sibling; a son of one’s nephew or niece. (Brother’s grandson: fraternal grandnephew…
GRANDNEPHEW n. a grandson of one's brother or sister.
HEREINBELOWhereinbelow adv. Synonym of hereinunder.
HEREINBELOW adv. at a subsequent point in this writing or document.
JINRICKSHAWjinrickshaw n. Alternative form of jinriksha.
JINRICKSHAW n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
MARSHMALLOWmarshmallow n. Marsh mallow, a species of mallow, Althaea officinalis, that grows in marshy terrain.
marshmallow n. A type of confectionery, originally (since Ancient Egyptian times) made from this plant, but now generally…
marshmallow n. (Figuratively) Someone who is soft and benign.
MULTIWINDOWmultiwindow adj. (Computing, graphical user interface) Involving or permitting multiple windows at the same time.
MULTIWINDOW adj. having many windows.
MULTIWINDOW n. a multiwindow television set or monitor.
REINTERVIEWreinterview v. To interview again.
REINTERVIEW v. to interview again.
WAPPENSCHAWWAPPENSCHAW n. (Scots) a periodical gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSHAW, WAPPENSHAWING.
WHEELBARROWwheelbarrow n. A small, one-wheeled (or rarely, two-wheeled) cart with handles at one end for transporting small loads.
wheelbarrow v. (Transitive) To convey in a wheelbarrow.
wheelbarrow v. (Transitive, aviation) To cause the weight of an aeroplane to become concentrated around the nosewheel.
WINDLESTRAWwindlestraw n. (UK, Scotland, dialect) A grass used for making ropes or for plaiting, especially Apera spica-venti.
WINDLESTRAW n. anything light or insubstantial; feeble person, also WINDLESTRAE.
WOODSWALLOWwoodswallow n. Any of the Artamidae, a family of soft-plumaged, somber-coloured passerine birds.
WOODSWALLOW n. any of the fly-catching Artamidae, related to the shrikes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 260 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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